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来源:整理 时间:2023-06-18 12:55:28 编辑:大路途珠宝 手机版











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For hips , arms,mont blanc Boheme, lower abdomen , thighs, which parts of the accumulation of fat easily design low , medium and high three levels of gymnastics. Whether simple or high-intensity exercise 2-3 times each week , but also with 5 days a week , 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day . After 4 weeks or 6 weeks ,mbt schuhe auslaufmodelle, I believe you will find that excess fat gone , sexy, slender body back! tightening the buttocks basic moves : step practicing stand up straight , feet shoulder width apart ,discount vibram five fingers, arms hanging naturally At your sides. A large step to the left , and then the body weight on his left leg and slowly squat down until left thigh parallel to the ground . Right leg straight, knees do not bend . At the same time opposite arm straight ,Gucci Uomini, palm relative . Get up ,günstige true religion jeans, return to starting position and repeat for the other side . medium difficulty : stride , leaning over to practice body stand up straight , feet shoulder width apart , arms hanging naturally at your sides. A large step to the left , and then the body weight on his left leg and slowly squat down until left thigh is parallel to the ground . While the upper body to bend forward so your hands touch the left foot as much as possible . Get up , return to starting position and repeat for the other side . higher degree of difficulty : one leg balance exercises stand up straight , feet shoulder width apart ,manolo blahnik günstig, repeat the complete step , leaning over to practice one time and return to standing position, then lift From the right leg , the right knee and hip level , while the arm straight up . For 3 seconds , return to starting position ,nike schuhe, lift the left leg for repeat action. Topics related articles:S teach you a minute of small breast U.S. Gymnastics


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